Cymdeithas Hanes Resolfen History Society

A web log for the Resolven History Society which publishes articles and stories related to Resolven and the immediate surroundings.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Gwyn Thomas

Newyddion Trist / Sad News

Unfortunately in the last hour , Mr Gwyn Thomas President of the History Society has passed away peacefully.

I have no further details, but extend our deepest sympathy to Gwyn's family. His contribution to the Society as President, Chairman and committee member was immense and we will all miss him greatly.

Update: The Chairman has spoken to Gwyn's daughter and it is hoped that a memorial service will be arranged in Gwyn's memory once the current restrictions have eased.

Update: The funeral will be on Saturday 25th April and the cortege will leave the family home in Rugby Road at 11 am. Unfortunately, owing to the lockdown only 10 people are allowed to attend the funeral itself. However, the family have expressed a wish, that if people would like to pay their respects, then they can line the pavements as the funeral party leaves. ( More details on Resolven and District News).


Blogger Angela Thomas-Williams said...

Hi there, this is Angela, youngest daughter of Gwyn, dad passed away peacefully yesterday 15th April after a long illness fought with courage and dignity, the funeral is to be held on Saturday 25th April, leaving the house at 11:00am following a brief service outside the house, Due to current Covid guidelines it is immediate family only, however Alun Lewis is putting a message on the firms Facebook page to request that anyone wishing to pay their respects lines the route which if Mam’s funeral is anything to go by will be from their home, up Cory street and from there to dads final resting place. If you wish to do so you are more than welcome. We have also decided as a family that we will organise a celebration of dads life when we are able to, thank you for your kind words we are very grateful, Angela, Susan, Alyn & Gareth

7:33 pm  
Blogger Angela Thomas-Williams said...

Hi there, this is Angela, youngest daughter of Gwyn, dad passed away peacefully yesterday 15th April after a long illness fought with courage and dignity, the funeral is to be held on Saturday 25th April, leaving the house at 11:00am following a brief service outside the house, Due to current Covid guidelines it is immediate family only, however Alun Lewis is putting a message on the firms Facebook page to request that anyone wishing to pay their respects lines the route which if Mam’s funeral is anything to go by will be from their home, up Cory street and from there to dads final resting place. If you wish to do so you are more than welcome. We have also decided as a family that we will organise a celebration of dads life when we are able to, thank you for your kind words we are very grateful, Angela, Susan, Alyn & Gareth

7:33 pm  

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