The Box is opened!!!
The mystery surrounding the box of materials was solved in the January Meeting. It appears that the treasure trove of materials garnered by the first secretary of the Society, Billy Dowling has been tracked down. The whereabouts of the Resolven history archive had been an unsolved question since Mr Dowling's death . It appears that they were given to West Glamorgan Archives in Swansea, who had recently found them. Having sifted through they donate part of the cache to Neath Antiquarians, and through a chance encounter a sample of materials in the famous box to Resolven History Society.
It was encouraging to see a good attendance at the first meeting of 2023, and Trefor Jones kept the historians awaiting for some 45 minutes, with readings from Society publication Resolfen Recalled. The book , published in the year 2000 was intriguing in that it is now very much a historical record of rapid change in the community over the last 23 years.
Following a dramatic opening, the members spent some productive time examining the photographs and indeed some questions were answered!!!
The next meeting is on Monday, 13th February when the speaker will be Mr Keith Tucker of Neath Aniquarans who will give an illustrated talk on the shops of Neath.
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