Cymdeithas Hanes Resolfen History Society

A web log for the Resolven History Society which publishes articles and stories related to Resolven and the immediate surroundings.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Christmas Meeting


A  report on the December meeting of Resolven History Society

Some years ago, it was decided to have a meeting in December which was provided by the members. The reasons for this were obvious, there were so many counterattractions at this time of year then a good audience was improbable and not fair to a speaker. For the first time since Covid-19, this was tried and as predicted Sardis had a carol service and a Salvation Army band coincident with the meeting. Nevertheless some fifteen attended and hopefully enjoyed what was on offer.


The meeting began with a reading from “Resolfen Recalled”, on the experiences of Charles Walker an evacuee in Resolven during the War, outlining some aspects of Christmas in the village during wartime. This was followed by an exploration of Christmas facts , such as the fact the Christmas cards coincided with the advent of the penny black stamp, and the Robins appeared on the cards because the postmen wore red uniforms!


This was followed by a review of Christmas traditions specific to Wales, including the “Fari Lwyd”, Calennig and the oral tradition of unaccompanied choral singing in the very early Plygain service on Christmas morning. A contemporary example of which from Resolven was posted on you tube from the Tabernacl carol service, under the account of “Eleri Nedd”, Eleri of course being the daughter of Phylip Jones the founder of the Society. It is well worth a look owing to its quality, especially as the boys had only one practice!!


The meeting concluded with a festive quiz, accompanied by mince pies and mulled wine, which was enjoyed by all.


Nadolig Llawen,  to you all, and a reminder to anyone interested that the Society meets again early in the New Year, on the 8th of January when John Richards will speak on the “Death of Richard the Third”.


Trefor Jones.


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