Cymdeithas Hanes Resolfen History Society

A web log for the Resolven History Society which publishes articles and stories related to Resolven and the immediate surroundings.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

A massive contribution from Mr Brian Dix

The Square

The History Society has recently received a huge boost to our activity on this site, in a collection of images on Resolfen donated by Mr Brian Dix. This will enable us to illustrate most stories and personal histories and also pose some competitions/queries as to who many of the characters are, and possibly what is being represented in the scene. As a starter, here follows a series of photographs showing how the square in Resolfen has changed over the years.

The first picture shows an Edwardian scene, though it may be slightly later. The children are in Sunday best and two policemen can be seen on the bottom left. The Police Station is there and it was built in 1901.. The Second picture is undated, though from the dress of the young man it is probably post 1945. The most obvious feature is the cenotaph which is situated in the middle of the present road junction.
The third picture is dated 1980, and one is struck by the obvious presence of traffic which now so blights Commercial Road. The series of photos which follow, show the square as it is today. There are many changes and any further suggestions would be welcomed by the History Society. Double yellow lines and red brick pavements from an European Union grant ( ERDF) in the early 1990s give the square a neater appearance.
Manchester House is now Dolly Bach's.

The cenotaph is now situated to the rear of the Canon Lewis Memorial Hall.
The weighbridge is now a chip shop.

Anywhere to park ?

Sadly Brian Dix died on Boxing Day 2006 after a long illness .