Cymdeithas Hanes Resolfen History Society

A web log for the Resolven History Society which publishes articles and stories related to Resolven and the immediate surroundings.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

March Meeting

Mr Martin Griffiths,
The History of the Neath Borough Police.”
Meeting begins at 7:00pm in the Church hall on MondAY ,10th March.
Membership: £10 ( including refreshments)
Visitors: £3.
Croeso cynnes i Bawb

Monday, February 17, 2014

The opening of the Recreation Ground in Resolven

At a recent Community Council meeting, a  photograph of the opening of the Resolven Recreation Ground ( commonly known as the park) was discussed. Luckily, Mr Glyn Davies gave the Society copies of the archive material from his recently published book, which included this cutting from the Herald of Wales, showing the grand opening in 1926with the uniformed benefactor; Colonel Edwards Vaughan, to the fore. The exotic plants ( presumably from the famed heated greenhouses at Rheola House) almost hide the participants Can anyone name the Parish Councillors in this rather grand scene?

Our own  publication, "Resolfen Recalled", adds a little to the story. The ground was given to the Parish Council in 1913, and plans were put in place to fence the area and lay out the ground. Resolven is described as a "populous and increasing centre", which needed a place of general recreation. The fact that it opened in 1926, is not down to the tardiness of the Councillors but is probably down to the cost, since Resolven was already "heavily rated". The intervention of the Great War in 1914 and the privations of the early 1920s must also be factors. Other public works, such as the War Memorial in 1925 ,also received support from Colonel Edwards Vaughan.

A copy has been sent to Mr Aylwin Jones, the Chairman of Resolfen Community Council.