Nights at the Opera
Operatic Society
Mr Glyn Davies has recently given the
Society a catalogue of old posters advertising the activities of Resolven and District Amateur Operatic Society. The Society,established in 1926, was
very famous in its day and would produce productions in the Autumn lasting four
full nights with the tickets for the Saturday being highly prized. The
production was usually light opera including Gilbert and Sullivan,Johann Strauss
and Georges Bizet. Productions were performed at the Miners Welfare Hall which
was built around the same time as the birth of the Operatic Society. The Operatic Society also produced performances
of religious music with an augmented chorus at Easter.
The very first production was “The
Pirates of Penzance”, in January 1927, performed “at the new
pavilion” this was followed by “Iolanthe”, in 1928. The harsh economic
conditions meant a break in proceedings and no further productions were seen
until 1938. The final productions took place in the late 1990s with “The King and
I”, and a very successful production of “Wizard
of Oz”. There are two very interesting articles on the Operatic Society by John
Rees and Viv Hill, both stalwarts of its activivities in “Resolfen Recalled”.