Cymdeithas Hanes Resolfen History Society

A web log for the Resolven History Society which publishes articles and stories related to Resolven and the immediate surroundings.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Some fourteen members braved the wind to attend the Annual General Meeting. This gave little scope to change the committee and officials, though Mrs Jean Thomas has agreed to join the general committee.

President: Mr Phylip Jones

Chairman: Mr Gwyn Thomas

Vice Chair: Vacant ( Once again)

Treasurer: Mrs Julie Hicks.

Secretary: Mr Trefor Jones

Transport Officers: Mrs Val Davies and Mrs Brenda Oakes

Committee: Mr John Rees, Mrs Margaret Evans, Mrs Jean Thomas, Mrs Josie Duke, (one vacancy).

Notices of motion: 1. That the deposit account be closed owing to the negligible interest rate.

It should be noted that owing to the gaining of a grant from the Ffynnon Oer Fund it will be possible to assist with visits this year. It was also noted that there were two typos on the lecture list ( to appear shortly on the blog) namely 2012-13 was noted instead of 2011-12 and that that the April meeting would be moved owing to its clashing with Easter Monday.

Following the formal proceedings of the AGM a series of slides from the Society Archive was shown and a lively discussion ensued regarding their contents.