Cymdeithas Hanes Resolfen History Society

A web log for the Resolven History Society which publishes articles and stories related to Resolven and the immediate surroundings.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Historical Geography

We in Resolfen are justly proud to be the birthplace of Sir Clifford Darby, one of the most eminent luminaries in the field of historical geography. The biography of Sir Clifford can be found elsewhere on this site, but Historical Geography is specifically the interpretation of the layers of landscape with reflections on both past and present. Abergarwed as a hamlet once boasted a large colliery and washery /screens though it would be difficult for the casual observer to pick this out today by visiting the same site. The images below show the site of Ynysarwed Screens both past and present. Unfortunately, the aerial photograph has not come out very well compared to the photograph of the site though it has been realigned toward the South.The two things which stand out immediately are the Neath Canal which has been filled in along with the disappearance of the small stone bridge on the canal.  The large railway sidings complex, has disappeared, though there is a large concreted area which once was the site of the screens along with some of the buildings ( now revamped).This area can now be walked as the original towpath has been partially if unofficially, reopened. The Abergarwed Farm, farmhouse, outbuildings and the classical miners' terraced housing are still there today.
Looking South as per photograph.

Monday, January 26, 2015

February Meeting

FEBRuary MEETing
“Admiral Evan Thomas of the Gnoll and the First World War”
Meeting begins at 7:00pm in the Church hall on MondAY  9th FEBRuary.
Membership: £10 ( including refreshments)

Visitors: £3.