Penblwydd Hapus Phylip!!
The President of the History Society, Mr Phylip Jones celebrates his eightieth birthday on Tuesday the 23rd of January. He has not been very well in recent weeks, including several weeks in hospital, but is on the mend and we look forward to him returning to the activities of the Society very soon. Phylip's contribution to the preserving of the social history of Resolfen has been immense and it was a general disappointment to everyone that we did not have the pleasure of his annual talk ( loosely based on a local theme) this year.
Brysiwch wella Phylip a llongyfarchiadau ar gyrraedd y garreg filltir arbennig hon.
Phylip and Gwyn Thomas unveil a plaque to the memory of the Three Doctors of Music
Phylip addressing the members at an original dissenting chapel at Glasbury
Brysiwch wella Phylip a llongyfarchiadau ar gyrraedd y garreg filltir arbennig hon.