Annual Meeting
A Report on the Annual Meeting of Resolfen History Society .
After a hiatus of over two years, the History Society held
an annual meeting at the Church Hall. It was encouraging that nine members were
able to attend and several others sent apologies. It should be pointed out to
anyone intending to return that strict measures regarding the prevention of
Covid-19 are still in place within the building.
The meeting began, by remembering those who had passed away
during the two years, especially Mr Gwyn Thomas the Society President and Mrs Mair Norton the former Treasurer.
They will both be sadly missed and their contribution to the continuation of a
History Society within the village for nigh on forty years was immense.
A new committee was elected with Trefor Jones relinquishing
the Chair in order to return to his former role as General Secretary. Mr David Woosnam will
now be Chairman, Julie Hicks will continue as the long serving treasurer and Jill
Saunders will continue as Assistant Secretary. Val Davies will continue as
Transport Secretary and the general committee includes Barbara Harris, Caryl Rees, Carole and David
Following a short address by the outgoing chairman, there
was a general discussion on the way forward for the Society. Meetings will
proceed as before on a monthly basis, but since speakers are difficult to find
at the moment, this will vary in content and form . It was felt that a
“workshop” approach to the history of the village would be beneficial and
possibly a Q&A format for those who would not want to give a formal talk or
lecture. It was felt that this would appeal to a wider audience and crucially
involve more younger people in a slightly more rigorous approach to history
since evidence showed from social media that there was a great deal of interest
in local history.
The meeting concluded with another reading from the
autobiography of Joseph Cookson, who lived and worked in the area in the 1920s.
The episode concerned the changing of working in a small level above Clyne and
changing to work at the more mechanised Gored Merthyr colliery. Despite being
the best worker in the pit in his opinion, he remained on a junior minimum wage
until becoming a fully-fledged collier at twenty one year of age. A problem
with a coal cutter led to a remonstration with Mr Lloyd the under manager over
pay, this resulted in Joe getting split form his “butty”, Dai Francis who in
fact turned out to be Jill Saunders’s grandfather , much to her delight. He
also seemed to be suffering from the long term after effects of the Spanish flu,
reminiscent of the so called “long Covid”,
which is prevalent at present.
Plus ca change/ nothing changes/ dim byd newydd?
Trefor Jones