Cymdeithas Hanes Resolfen History Society

A web log for the Resolven History Society which publishes articles and stories related to Resolven and the immediate surroundings.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Resolfen Steam Coal Company

Heather Taylor has contacted the History Society regarding her descendant, a certain Mr H.M.Ommanney. The link is rather tenuous although someone may have information on the Resolfen Steam Coal Company. I reproduce below a report of Mr Ommanney's daughter's wedding in the Cambrian newspaper of 1863 (supplied by Heather Taylor). It does not indicate where in the village the wedding took place or indeed if it took place in Resolfen at all.

Taken from ‘The Cambrian’, 27/6/1863

RESOLVEN – MARRIAGE REJOICINGS – When it was known that Miss Ommanney, the eldest daughter of H. M. Ommanney, Esq, the representative of the Resolven Steam Coal Company, was to be married on Wednesday, the 17th inst, a desire was expressed on all sides that the day should be kept as a holiday, in order to show the respect felt towards the family, who are employing so many men in the parish. The morning was fine, and the booming of cannon ushered in the day, when flags and banners could be seen in every direction, with appropriate mottoes of “Success and happiness to the bride and bridegroom.” The school children, after marching in procession, returned to the school-room to partake of tea, cake, buns, etc. Then came the colliers and their wives, who were also abundantly supplied with the same good things. About 320 partook of this ample and liberal treat given by Mr Ommanney. The day will be long remembered as one of peculiar interest, because it is too often the custom to forget neighbours and especially the poor, while grand affairs of subscriptions when blazoned forth in the newspapers will bring plenty of adherents. Such a day of pleasure and joy has never before been the lot of these colliers and their wives, and nothing more could be added to the proceedings, inasmuch as the whole affair passed off most successfully.”

Obviously a very generous and enlightened employer

Another useful link is the Welsh Coal Mines Forum which can be found on It includes some invaluable and detailed information on the mines in the Resolfen area and across the south Wales coalfield.

Trefor Jones