We usually have a good turn out at the AGM and there are some vacancies on the committee. Don't be shy, our flourishing society relies on a lot of effort behind the scenes and as the saying goes "more hands make light work". Ideas are also needed as to how we can develop the History Society in the future. We will also be continuing to collect everyone's email addresses so that information can be sent out at short notice to as many members as possible.
You can also have the list of speakers for 2014/15 digitally if you like, following the AGM.
See you there, a chroeso cynnes i bawb.
Have you served on the committee?
I hope that everyone has enjoyed their summer break. September will soon be upon us and the AGM will be held on Monday,September 8th. Owing to the fact that the Church Hall is still being renovated,the meeting, beginning at 7:00 will be at the Community Centre.We usually have a good turn out at the AGM and there are some vacancies on the committee. Don't be shy, our flourishing society relies on a lot of effort behind the scenes and as the saying goes "more hands make light work". Ideas are also needed as to how we can develop the History Society in the future. We will also be continuing to collect everyone's email addresses so that information can be sent out at short notice to as many members as possible.
You can also have the list of speakers for 2014/15 digitally if you like, following the AGM.
See you there, a chroeso cynnes i bawb.