Roberts meets the Titanic
Evan Roberts |
Mr Tony Waters has spoken to the Society on two
previous occasions on the Titanic disaster of which he is an expert. However,
some decade ago he produced a documentary film on the Religious Revival of
1904/05 which was shown on Sky TV. He explained at the outset of his talk, that
he had little personal background knowledge on the life of Evan Roberts the
instigator of the Revival, though he had played a “Hitchcock like”, part in the
film as an extra in three of the scenes. His school friend Kevin Adams, who is
now a pastor in New England, had supplied the historical content to the documentary which had been produced on
a shoestring budget. However, not to be outdone Mr Waters did manage to bring
in two Titanic references to his introduction. WT Stead (the prophet of peace)
of Swansea, who had proved a mentor and muse to the enigmatic Evan Roberts in
1904, had died in the maritime disaster, and Lyn Harper a preacher inspired by
Evan Roberts had drowned on the Titanic dispensing the gospel to his dying
The film was a very powerful one, based on the voice
of Evan Roberts himself. It followed the story of Roberts as a young collier in
Loughor, who was “saved” at thirteen years of age and who prepared himself for
the revival at the tender age of 26. It started in west Wales, centred on the
market town of Newcastle Emlyn where Roberts made a fleeting appearance as a
student in Ysgol Emlyn. Influenced by Seth Joshua of the Forward Movement, he
returned to Moriah, Loughor where the Revival started with missionary zeal
throughout south Wales and beyond. His charisma clashed with the conventions of
the age and the meetings often lasted into the early hours. Evan Roberts rarely
prepared his orations which were often short and relied on a consort of young
women who unconventionally, regularly took part in the services. The Revival
itself drew the wrath of some of the established nonconformist denominations
who denounced it as a form of hysteria. Eventually, exhausted by his efforts,
Roberts retreated to a friend’s house in Leicester. He never regained his former
prominence in Wales and passed away quietly in Cardiff (1951), and was buried in
Moriah, Loughor.
Paryer meeting underground |
In terms of the social consequences of the Revival,
they were certainly far reaching. Publicans complained that the sales of beer
had fallen, apocryphal tales of pit ponies refusing to budge underground
because the hauliers had stopped swearing at them and sporting teams had
stopped playing. Evan Roberts had visited Resolven during the revival and
Resolven Rugby Club had ceased playing for two seasons. Thousands of people in
Wales had been changed by the revival and these were documented in the papers
of the time (along with exact numbers of converts ), including the Western Mail. Roberts had
spawned a bevy of charismatic preachers in Wales and beyond, though many of his
followers were mown down on the fields of Flanders during the Great War a
decade later.
Evan Roberts Memorial, Loughor |
Mr Trefor Jones thanked Mr Waters for coming to
address the Society once again and added what a pity it was that Mr Phylip
Jones was absent. He did add however, that Seth Joshua had founded the large Mission Hall in Neath where his grandparents had been members. He also added that two
Brazilians who had stayed with his family a few years ago had asked to go to
see Evan Roberts’s memorial in Loughor.
Mr Tony Waters |
The meeting brought down the curtain on another successful
year of lectures. Members will now have a few months rest over the summer. The summer trip to Dyffryn House will take place on Saturday, July 5th and the bus will leave the square at 9:00. Anyone wishing to come on the trip to contact a member of the committee or place a comment on the site.