New season on the horizon!!
Our 2016 - 17 season will kick off on the evening of the 12th September. Our little history society is doing well, however, we still need new members of the committee in order to ensure that success. It is not a huge commitment and amounts to around four meetings per year - ITERESTED? We also need new ideas and suggestions as to how the Society is organised and how our activities can be improved. For instance, should we have a Facebook account in order to reach more people in the area and beyond? This blog has proved a success with over 100,000 visits so far, but Facebook could give us an easier reach since opportunities to advertise on the streets of the village have become more limited and the nature of the population has changed.
September MEETING:
Annual general
Meeting begins at 7:00pm in the CHURCH
HALL on MondAY 12th septembeR.
Membership: £10 ( including refreshments)
Visitors: £3.
Croeso cynnes i Bawb